Parade of the Plebes
July 14, 2006

001 Dormitory 002 Midshipman Myers 003 The troops arrive 004 Marching in 005 Forming Ranks 006 Regimental Officers Arrive 007 Ready to Inspect the Troops 008 Marching in Formation
009 Marching in Formation 2 010 End of Show 011 Marching onto the Field 012 Battalion 3 013 Color Guard 1 014 Marching Band 015 Drum and Bugle Corps 016 Color Guard 2
017 Standing at Attention 018 Marching Band 2 019 Standing at Attention 2 020 Officers Approach for Inspection 021 Inspection by the Vice-Admiral 022 15 Gun Salute 023 Inspection Walk 024 Advancing to the VIP Tent
025 Standing at Attention 3 026 Marching Off Field 028 Color Guard 3 029 End of Parade        

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