Babe's 89th Birthday

August 17, 2013
Amber on the floor Judy in the chair Jacob plays Thomas the Train Meg's new car
Peter and Julia New Don't Spill the Beans Game Drinking Buddies Babe tells a story
Emily Holding court Walking along the ledge Balancing Act
Nick Shoots Julia looks up Amber on the carpet Looking around
Who me Looking smug Crawling toward the puffin Little drummer girl
Fiddling with the drumstick Sisters Chatting Popping everthing into her mouth Go Percy Go
Nick Touching Grammy's hand Amanda and Philip Charlotte makes a point
Four grandkids Sitting in the grass Babe tells a joke Laughing it up
Steve rolls out the birthday cake Presenting the Cake Blowing out the candles Playing with Buzz and Alien
Jim chats with Amanda Bob Cake and Ice Cream Babe scoops up some strawberries
Jacob on the rug Siblings