Kayaking Highlights - June

Kayaking Video - Apple Format

Kayaking Video - Windows Format 
20130615_1204_Boat Ramp at Slaughter Creek
20130615_1209_Paddling toward the marsh
20130615_1231_Eagle in the Pine Hammock
20130615_1240_The Channel Narrows
20130615_1252_The Captain Stands on Her Ship
20130615_1311_Paddling down the pine hammock
20130615_1343_Scanning the horizon
20130615_1511_Marsh Wren
20130615_1601_Taylor's Island Bridge
20130616_1220_Heading out toward Scarboro Creek
20130616_1313_Answering emails
20130616_1318_Osprey in flight
20130616_1404_A willet on a post
20130621_1210_Boatramp on Kingston Landing Road
20130621_1219_Osprey nest in chimney of old house
20130621_1225_Paddling down the creek
20130621_1317_Eagle Soaring
20130621_1320_Purple Flowers
20130621_1331_Big tree over the stream
20130621_1523_Kingston Road Bridge 2
20130622_1046_Put in at Windy Hill Road
20130622_1056_Setting out on the Choptank
20130622_1109_The tip of the marsh grass triangle
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