2016-07-09 Kayaking at Tobacco Island

20160709 110019 Kayaking with Nancy and Forrest at Tobacco Island 20160709 110255 Nancy and Judy on the water 20160709 112349 Our guide Shannon shows us broken terrapin eggs 20160709 112631 Terrapin egg shells
20160709 112643 Scanning the island 20160709 112810 Our intrepid group of paddlers 20160709 120029 Arriving at the second beach 20160709 120142 Fiddler crab trying to attract a female
20160709 121111 Chatting on the second beach 20160709 121648 Working hard to attract a female 20160709 121950 And here she comes 20160709 125441 Egret along the shore
20160709 125503 Shannon paddles by the egret 20160709 125551 Nancy pauses to look 20160709 125606 Forrest on the water 20160709 130807 An egret flaps its wings
20160709 130828 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum 20160709 131041 Egret closeup 20160709 131058 Forrest and clouds 20160709 131237 Cooling off in the water
20160709 131244 Shannon enjoys the water 20160709 133620 Heron on the point GPS - Aerial Map 2016-07-09 Kayaking at Tobacco Island GPS - Topo Map 2016-07-09 Kayaking at Tobacco Island