2016-09-24 Jacob's Football Game

20160924 092451 Putting on the flags for flag football 20160924 093423 Announcing the coaches and players 20160924 093941 Jacob runs out onto the field as his name is called 20160924 094711 The coach directs the team
20160924 094732 Jacob in hot pursuit 20160924 094734 Player down 20160924 094846 Breakaway 20160924 094955 Jacob centers the ball
20160924 095057 Play action decisions 20160924 095440 Jacob on the move 20160924 100352 Chasing down the opposing player 20160924 101047 Jacob as quarterback
20160924 101057 Jacob's team in motion 20160924 102227 Cheerleaders cheer on the teams 20160924 102506 Hiking the Ball 20160924 102715 Jacob moves the ball
20160924 102852 Moving to the line of scrimmage 20160924 102940 Good game line with opposing team and coaches 20160924 102943 Game over