2016-12-22 Christmas Photos

20161222 145727 Opening Christmas presents with Amber and Jacob on December 22nd 20161222 145754 Opening boxes 20161222 145913 Jacob's new book 20161222 145843 Grammy helps out
20161222 145931 Amber and Jacob are going to Florida 20161222 150126 Amber opens up Dash 20161222 150249 New Mousetrap Game 20161222 155630 Amber puts Dash through his paces
20161223 083316 Sunrise on December 23rd 20161223 101348 Christmas Pajamas 20161224 184202 Nativity Scene at Bethel Church 20161224 184211 Wise Man Nick
20161224 185839 The Wise Man and his family 20161225 161520 Christmas at the Petito's 20161225 161743 Julia, Camille, and Matt 20161225 173440 Opening presents
20161225 173514 Legos and Wonder Woman 20161225 173609 Julia shows her new doll 20161225 173627 Joey shows off his Batmans 20161225 173709 Giving Grammy a hug
20161225 173731 Dancing Grandkids 20161225 173824 New wine stopper 20161225 173837 Emily shows off her new hat 20161225 173903 Big Fish Gift Certificate
20161225 174044 Cooking Class Gift Certificate 20161225 174229 Emily captures Batman 20161225 174914 Nick scores using Aunt Meg's Soccer Game 20161225 202349 Julia's new Elena outfit