2016-12-31 New Year's Eve

20161231 114445 Nick bouncing high 20161231 114629 Joey bounces on his pony 20161231 114753 Nick goes climbing 20161231 115009 Julia down the chute
20161231 115017 Amber trys it backwards 20161231 115119 Julia and Amber 20161231 115129 Jacob arrives at the bottom 20161231 115136 V is for Victory
20161231 120208 Julia Ascends 20161231 120344 Climbing the ladder 20161231 120632 Julia finishes a run 20161231 120738 Nick gets ready to leap
20161231 120822 Amber stands guard 20161231 121100 Nick and Jacob 20161231 133119 Noon balloon drop 20161231 140745 Releasing balloons in Dan's honor
20161231 140755 Releasing the balloons 20161231 140758 Up up and away 20161231 140803 Letter from Nick to Dan MVI 3289