2017-04-28 Amber and Jacob Weekend

20170428 204137 Amber onstage as Mort the Lemur 20170428 205242 Final Dance Number 20170428 205257 Hamming it up 20170428 210118 Amber and her flowers
20170428 210221 Amber and crazy cousins 20170430 100052 Jacob enters the church for his first communion 20170430 100055 Proceeding down the aisle 20170430 110058 Receiving the communion elements
20170430 111318 Jacob receives his certificate and bible 20170430 111825 Amber the altar girl 20170430 112722 Jacob and the crazy cousins 20170430 112638 Getting a hug from Aunt Emily
20170430 112254 Jacob and his communion class 20170430 115529 Tyler and Jacob 20170430 115636 Grammy, Tyler, and Jacob 20170430 120220 Jacob and Elaine
20170430 120337 Jacob and Kylee 20170430 120353 Jacob and Kelly 20170430 134518 The Communion Cake 20170430 134627 Cutting the Cake
20170430 140731 Opening Communion Gifts