2017-05-29 Pamela's Wedding

20170528 131059 Jefferson Patterson Park Visitor Center 20170528 131135 Maryland Archaeology by County 20170528 131510 Louis Goldstein Exhibit 20170528 133406 Cannon on the hill
20170528 133441 The Barn 20170528 133650 Greeting Aunt Kristin 20170528 134242 Dad and Meg 20170528 134313 Waiting for the ceremony to begin
20170528 145830 Family Photo 1 20170528 134359 Aunt Meg surprises Nick 20170528 134637 Family Shot 20170528 134714 Taking our seats for the wedding ceremony
20170528 135524 The Groom and his attendants 20170528 135633 Here comes the bride 20170528 141318 Exploring the agriculture exhibits 20170528 141338 The tractor tire gang
20170528 141302 Old Steam Tractor 20170528 141446 Playing in the sand 20170528 141609 Julia and the cannon balls 20170528 141659 Joey looks at the exhibits
20170528 142816 Nick plays with an Indian toy 20170528 142831 Playing at the visitor's center 20170528 145711 Bob and Great-Grandchildren 20170528 150000 Our Grandchildren
20170528 152643 Phillip dances his way in 20170528 152710 Best Man and Maid of Honor 20170528 152739 The wedding party assembles 20170528 155715 Pamela joins our table to chat
20170528 163146 First Dance 20170528 163213 Twirling Around 20170528 163255 I could have danced all night 20170528 163957 Dancing with Mommy
20170528 164003 Dancing with Mommy 2 20170528 164008 Dancing with Mommy 3 20170528 164032 Dancing with Mommy 4 20170528 164036 Dancing with Mommy 5
20170528 164106 Action Shot 20170528 164332 Judy pitches one in 20170528 164707 Let's go Charlie Brown 20170528 164713 Future NFL Kicker
20170528 165519 Future NFL Quarterback 20170528 173515 Indian Lodge 20170528 173645 Checking things out 20170528 173731 Indian Village and Stockade