2017-06-01 Kayaking Trap Pond

20170601 114852 Victoria underway on Trap Pond 20170601 115359 Pausing on the water 20170601 115549 New growth green on Cypress Trees 20170601 120139 Cypress Reflections
20170601 120942 Back in the swamp 20170601 121721 Victoria looks around 20170601 122205 Baltimore Oriole 20170601 123552 Heron on the shore
20170601 124247 Water Lillies 20170601 124907 Judy tries out the new light-weight paddle 20170602 103623 Lewes Beach on June 2nd 20170602 104418 Out on the sand bar with P-Paw
20170602 110137 Braving the waves with Victoria 20170602 110159 Checking out the cold water 20170602 110600 Splashing ashore