2023-02-18 Big Bend Hiking Trip

Just arrived in El Paso and driving the scenic highway overlooking the city
Staring across the border into Mexico
Murchison Park scenic view
La Equis sculpture across the border in Mexico
Judy enjoys the view
Incredibly long train snakings its way through El Paso
While driving to White Sands National Park we spot a red-tailed hawk on a telephone pole
Entering the Dune Life Nature Trail at White Sands National Park
Walking the Dune Life Nature Trail
Yucca plant in the sand
I believe this is a Rio Grande Cottonwood Tree
Trekking through the sand
Entering the InterDune Boardwalk
Sparrow in the dunes
Female and male house finches
Approaching the end of the boardwalk
Entering the Flat Trail
Dunes and mountains
Tripartite View
Stormclouds headed our way