2023-08-11 New Foundland

Arriving at the Gros Morne National Park Discovery Centre
View of Bonne Bay from the Discovery Centre
The Tablelands, mantle rock brought to the surface. Note that plants cannot grow on the mantle.
Another view of Bonne Bay
Bonne Bay Tour Boat
Mural of Newfoundland Wildlife
Arriving at Trout River for lunch
Viewing the sights at Trout River
Rocky coast at trout river
Starting Tablelands tour with a Parks Canada Geologist
Pitcher Plant - the Provincial flower of Newfoundland
Judy uses a pipette to extract water from the pitcher plant
A carnivorous butterwort
Humerous demonstration of plate tectonics
Mantle rock metamorphosed into serpentine
On the pebble beach near the Shallow Bay Motel in Cowhead
Looking out into Shallow Bay
Hiking to Western Brook Pond in Gros Morne National Park
Arriving at the Western Brook Boat Dock
Randy and Judy at the Western Brook Boat Dock